Narrowing a Saddle
To narrow a saddle, place the long convex ram onto the hydraulic jack. Push down fully then tighten the valve on the jack. Rest the underside of the pommel onto the pad of the ram; making sure that the saddle is square. Place the protecting pads onto the top of the saddle. Pump the handle of the jack; this may take several repartitions to start any movement. When the saddle with the protectors reach the underside of the rollers, pull the protectors upwards by the elastic strip, so that one third is in contact on both sides, of the rollers. Look at the above image to see where the pads are in relation to the rollers.
When satisfied that everything is square. Pump the handle on the jack, the pressure will increase and narrow the saddle. You can look on the other side of the machine to see how much the saddle has narrowed. When the desired width has been reached unscrew the release valve on the jack by half or so turns. Take out the saddle and stamp the sweat flap with the arrows pointing inwards.